Friday, 4 December 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman



When time permits I join a group of writers for Five Minute Friday, hosted by Kate Motaung. Every week we write for five minutes after receiving a one word prompt. No editing or over thinking involved….Just writing for the love of writing. For more information please visit Kate Motaung at Heading Home.

 The word for this week is:

Kate Motaung wrote a beautiful book called Letters to Grief…And on the anniversary of this book…



Letter to Grief

Dear Grief,

Yes I am addressing you as “dear”, although I do not really like you at all; but you are a familiar companion, having accompanied me for most of life.
You have imposed yourself on my hospitality on more occasions than is polite to do so and for the most part you have always overstayed your welcome.

Just like a spider spins its web in dark corners, so do you seek any and every opportunity to ambush me unexpectedly and cruelly. Have you no mercy?

There have been occasions when I have seen you coming down the road towards me, but try as I might to avoid you, you are unavoidable. You are like a chronic illness, always just below the surface, waiting to make your presence known to me.

You are no respecter of seasons either. Like death you just invade, overwhelm and cover me with such a heavy cloak of sadness at times, that there have been occasions when I was certain that I would drown in the dark folds of your weight…

From my earliest childhood memories, I can recall you sitting on my bed like a “nanny”, watching and observing my reaction to your presence. Ever ready to impose another test on me…

As a young mother, I recall your hovering over my children, and you had no boundaries, diving right into my marriage over and over again, and yet here you are, after all this time still in my peripheral vision. Is there no end to your testing? Will I never pass this exam and be rid of you forever?

I have had to watch helplessly, as you imposed your unwelcome presence on my loved ones,  knowing that I could do nothing more than love them and hug them tight, as I pried your gnarled and ugly fingers from their flesh and hearts, and forced you to loosen your grip on them.
Proverbs 14:13
“Even in laughter the heart may be in pain, And the end of joy may be grief.” (AMP)

No, I can’t say that I like you very much. The heaviness, sadness and dreaded pain that accompany your presence are just too much sometimes. Knowing that you are ever ready to pounce, does nothing to endear me to you.

No Sir!!! Not even close….

But, try as I might to be rid of you, I instinctively know that I need you – what a dreadful paradox …

Because your dogged persistence and endless unsolicited visits, my character is shaped and refined and this makes me a better person. In your undesirable presence, I learn to be less judgmental, and more merciful to others. In your presence, I find comfort in my fellow man who has also been afflicted by your unwelcome visits.
In your presence I learn to turn to my Creator for HIS grace and mercy. Your consistency is probably one of the main reasons I dare not stray too far away from my Saviour, and for that reason alone, do I tolerate you because when “My soul dissolves because of grief; (Father) Renew and strengthen me according to [the promises of] Your word.” Psalm 119:28


*Hugs* till next time.


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