Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

Update: Interceding for My Broken Marriage

Reaching Deep Within…Soaking at Jesus Feet 

Part 1 Part 2

The time has come to update my progress regarding my mission to intercede for my marriage and I can testify that the past few months has been the most challenging of my life to date, both personally and spiritually. Needless to say this challenge has become the key focus of my life and prayer life…

However, the deeper that I pressed into prayer and intercession, the deeper Father took me into a time of serious self-reflection and examination.

While my husband I have at reached a point of honest dialogue, it is a case of one step forward and three steps back. Like a dance between two broken people with no co-ordination or rhythm we seem to be missing the mark altogether. My heart cries out “How Long?” while my spirit whispers “Be patient…Father is working!”

The following is what I have learned:

Practical Lessons: Operating in the spirit versus operating in the flesh

Each dashed hope and disappointment revealed to me how quickly the flesh rises and wants to dominate. I admit I didn’t immediately understand what was happening, until I found myself operating in the spirit on one such occasion and Holy Spirit impressing on my heart to notice the difference. I believe that this has been a time of “Practical Training” for me to be able to clearly experience and discern the difference between operating in the flesh and operating in the spirit. Father wanted me to realise that the flesh requires justice, justification and vindication, while the spirit merely seeks reconciliation with no benefit whatsoever. There are greater things at stake than my comfort, justification or reputation.

I haven’t yet mastered the spirit controlling the flesh, but I now have a clear understanding of the difference and am able to step back for a moment or two to compose myself, hold my thoughts captive, call on Holy Spirit for assistance and adjust my mind-set to permit the spirit to gain control.

Prayer Lessons: Praying in the spirit versus praying in the flesh

Mr Prayer life has also grown significantly in that my prayers for my husband alternate between speaking life into his life, his work and his very existence…… to direct and confrontational warfare on several fronts. (Thankfully, Father has already placed Prayer Warriors into my life that I trust and I know support me during these prayer times). This is a training in progress and as I have asked Him to teach my hands to war; so has Father revealed to me the necessity of my direct prayer involvement for the people that He has placed into my life. When He asked me “How sincere was I when I said my vows?” “How pure was my love for my husband?” He was forcing me to self-reflect on the answers to those questions.

I have learned that when I am praying in the flesh, my prayers,  however eloquent they may be are superficial and for the most part miss the point; however when I am praying in the spirit my heart taps into the heart of God. I can’t help but weep as I stand in the gap for my husband and our marriage and that which God had intended for us. I become aware of other marriages in crises and can weep openly for bleeding marriages everywhere without truly knowing the circumstances. I just know that my Father’s Heart grieves these tragic losses and this motivates me to pray harder.

Personal Growth Lessons: Fathers Will versus my will

I am learning to be patient and to trust in Fathers perfect timing. There are still times when I fail and then I reach out to my trusted girlfriends, who immediately stand in the gap and pray for me offering me strength and understanding. I have learned the true value of genuine friendship.

I have learned that my life is in God’s hands and that He is in control regardless of the circumstances. His timing is perfect and He won’t be rushed or “nagged” into a position, but He does require my active participation. I cannot sit in the back ground and do nothing at all. If I truly want this then I must pray and participate at all times, I must intercede when prompted to, I MUST LISTEN to the instructions of Holy Spirit and I MUST respond to what I hear. The time for passive Christianity, for me has passed.

When I am instructed to perform some task prophetically, I am required to perform those tasks physically with no hesitation. Interestingly, I am always completely aware of “why” specific prophetic tasks are required. Holy Spirit is an excellent communicator and I cannot say I don’t understand; therefore my absolute obedience is required.

I have learned to read my bible to seek Gods Will regarding various issues, as I will not be able to pray effectively in His Will, if I don’t have a clear understanding of His Will, and purpose and resolutions regarding the concerns I am praying about.

I have learned that in order to have hands that are trained to war I have to make absolutely certain that my hands are clean. (Hence the serious self-reflection and examination mentioned earlier). I have learned that buried in my own heart and soul are seeds of discontent and strongholds that require my attention.

I have learned my capacity to love in spite of opposition and heartbreak. Each broken piece of my heart truly screams out its love for My FATHER in heaven and in turn for my husband whom I absolutely adore above all other men on this planet. It is this love that motivates me daily to pray, to press on, to intercede and to dare to hope.

I have learned that loyalty requires no promise, no interaction and no justification. It simply is… We are either loyal to the point of death or we are not.

So my sister and my brother, if you are in a similar position and are standing in the gap for your marriage, your children, your parents, or friends…I want to encourage you to stand strong, press in to Father, go sit on His lap if need be, trust Holy Spirit to guide your prayers and know and appreciate that it is only because of the redemptive work of our Precious Lord Jesus that we have the privilege of bringing our loved ones to the throne at all.

May Psalm 18: 16 – 24 be an encouragement today

“But me he caught—reached all the way
    from sky to sea; he pulled me out
Of that ocean of hate, that enemy chaos,
    the void in which I was drowning.
They hit me when I was down,
    but God stuck by me.
He stood me up on a wide-open field;
    I stood there saved—surprised to be loved!
God made my life complete
    when I placed all the pieces before him.
When I got my act together,
    he gave me a fresh start.
Now I’m alert to God’s ways;
    I don’t take God for granted.
Every day I review the ways he works;
    I try not to miss a trick.
I feel put back together,
    and I’m watching my step.
God rewrote the text of my life
    when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes."

(The Message)

*Hugs* till next time


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