Friday, 29 April 2016

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

Update: Interceding for My Broken Marriage

Walking on Water –

Waiting in the mundane “Middle” 

 Sometimes while standing in the gap for a prodigal loved one, be it a spouse, child, parent or friend, it feels like walking on water, because there is no control. This is the one thing you cannot manipulate, force and even manage.

And oh how WE do like to be in control…

You can only pray and trust. Nothing less and nothing more… This can be quite a test in itself because while we pray and watch and hope, we cannot know or even perceive whether anything is happening.

The unknown spreads before us like an endless valley with peaks and dips into which we cannot see, and this is the time where our faith is sorely tested and stretched. Well-meaning relatives question your motivation, reasoning and even your sanity.

As the lonely (and in some cases) emotionally painful days turn to weeks to months and sometimes years, we begin to question…allow doubt to creep in and sometimes give up altogether.

This is the time to “trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track. Don’t assume that you know it all.” (Proverbs 3:5-6 – The Message)

When we made the decision to stand in for our prodigals we were all fired up, determined and ready to take this on!!! The beginning of new ventures (even the painful standing in the gaps for prodigals) is always exciting and we are motivated by adrenaline and the desire to see something happen / change …Many proclamations, promises and plans are made at this stage…

After all we have a vision, a mission…

Even a Holy Commission if you will...

But the real test comes when all this drive and passion and excitement fades into the hum drum of one more day…one more prayer…one more disappointment when change doesn’t happen quite when and even how we expected it to.

This is the middle …”the mundane middle”… This mission is our own…people who initially were excited with us eventually fade away to get on with their own lives, and we are left alone to continue praying, forgotten, unnoticed…and from somewhere deep within we have to find the motivation to do what we said we were going to do.

How do we remain strong and keep our purpose during these mundane times? How do we hang onto our faith when it appears as if our prodigals will never return? When it appears as if they have moved on and are “living quite well without you, Thank You”.

It’s a difficult thing to do and only someone who is actually in this position will truly understand the resolve required to continue when it really would be easier to pick up the broken pieces and restart a life elsewhere…

Yet, this is only the middle….

The in-between…the springboard from the


Everyone in scripture had to endure this unknown period.

Hebrews 11:1 -2 “Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen (the conviction of reality – faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses)” AMP. (Emphasis my own)

Abraham had to wait for Isaac,
Joseph had to endure hardship and imprisonment,
Jacob had to work “Double Time” for his beloved bride.
Moses – Red Sea
Rahab – Prostitute saved by faith
Joshua – Jericho Walls

Yes! There are many examples of people who had to remain true to their word, while spending “years” in the mundane “in-between” awaiting the fulfilment of their promises. I’m certain they, like us, had their doubts and fears. I’m sure their well –meaning relatives tried to steer them in what they perceived to be best for them…Yet scripture teaches that they held onto their promises. They called things into being as if they were…They stood on the Word and promise…They spoke life instead of death…

Perhaps we should take their example.

1. Speak life into our prodigal’s lives.

Luke 6:28 “Bless and show kindness to those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you” (AMP)

2. Be patient while God works.

Lamentations 3:25 “The Lord is good to those who wait (confidently) for Him, to those who seek Him (on authority of God’s word).  (AMP)

3. Surround yourself with godly people.

Proverbs 11:14 “Where there is no (wise, intelligent) guidance, the people fall (and go off course like a ship without a helm), but in the abundance of (wise and godly) counselors there is victory”. (AMP) (Emphasis my own)

Hold on dear friends, those standing in the gap for others…They don’t know that they need you but they do. Father has given you a noble vision. He has entrusted you to stand in the gap for a loved one…Don’t give up on Him and don’t give up on your loved one…

For if you do not stand in the gap for them “Who will?”

Have you received an instruction from our Father to stand in the gap for someone?

Decide today to be obedient. He does not disappoint. There is no telling what your prayers will mean to your loved one.

Join us on face book – Come encourage and find encouragement in a group of like-minded people with similar struggles and hopes.

*Hugs* till next time.


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