Day Samaritan Woman
Step – Mothering – The Familiar Outsider- Six ways to cope with being on the outside…
I am a step-mother !!!
(Just typing that makes me feel alien or
Never ever in my wildest imagination did I ever
expect to find myself in this position so I have no experience or even
imagination to draw from.
Step – Mother….I don’t even like the word…
Whoever came
up with that word?
Step – Mother literally sounds like step (on the)
mother…and sometimes that is precisely how I feel. Naturally, my own children
also “Stepped on the Mother” a few times; but somehow that experience was
different in that I was an “insider”, the “MOM”, so I had every right to react
and deal with whatever the situation was, decisively and as I saw fit. My
authority was never questioned – Not even by me.
As a Step Mother I very gradually realized that I
am very much the outsider that joined a family that was not my own. This
realization sort of crept up on me slowly and then it pounced and rudely smacked
me hard in the face…
My home is filled with familiar furniture and
ornaments that I have lovingly carried around with me for years. I should feel
at home, secure and have a sense of belonging, but I find myself invariably feeling
very much like a hamster rolling around in my little plastic ball…
A part of the household - but still very much isolated from the rest of
the family.
Some of the things I experienced that led me to
this understanding were:
Decisions and requests are made without my input
or knowledge. This was one of the hardest things I had to acknowledge and face.
It is perfectly natural for my step – children to approach their father with
requests and desires. They have been doing so for years, all their lives in fact
and although I am now married to their father I am really just his wife…not
someone of relevance to them.
Discipline and planning of future goals are not
in any way similar. My hubby and I differ so vastly that it’s really like the
east from the west.
When hubby comes home in the evenings I have to
step aside and wait my turn to say hello and share my day. Usually, this time
only occurs when we are done with the usual supper routine and retreat to our
bedrooms. On many an occasion I am so tired by that time that I no longer feel
the need to share my day, so things of importance/interest simply pass by
without being communicated.
However, I do believe that God was very
instrumental in this marriage and He therefore equipped me for the challenge.
My hubby and step – children are my treasures (even if I am looking at them
through the plastic ball) and they therefore deserve my best. Just as my own
children received my best so too will my step children. As the adult it’s up to
me to overcome the obstacles and be understanding.
How to cope and press into the goal!!!!
- The most important part is that God must be in control. . Psalm 127: 1- 2
If God doesn’t build the house, the builders only build shacks. If God doesn’t guard the city, the night watchman
might as well nap. It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your
worried fingers to the bone.
Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?” The Message

2. Proverbs
22:6 was my favorite verse when my children were young. I prayed it, meditated
on it and chose to believe in it. Ultimately the only thing that really matters
is that I am going in the right direction and can point the way to my step
“Point your kids in the right direction—
when they’re old they won’t be lost.”
The Message
3. Praying always without
ceasing. There is power and comfort in
4. My
step – children must know that I am available and present but I must remain consistent
in values and principles. Never wavering from the values instilled by God.
5. I
must love my step-children unconditionally just as I love my own.
6. I
need to remember always that blood is thicker than water and although I am now
a part of this new family, I am still never the less still the outsider and
only time and patience will change that.
In the meantime I am the familiar outsider…
What about you? Have you re-married or had some other life altering experience with all kinds of dreams and hopes only to find things
aren’t quite as you imagined? Share how you made things better? How did you
*Hugs* till next time.
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