Thursday 17 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days

Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants


Yesterday, Day 9, found me praying earlier than usual. An unexpected plea from my daughter, during the late afternoon,  to pray and intercede with her regarding her vehicle and finances had me grabbing for my prayer shawl earlier and kneeling down beside my bed. As mentioned in my previous post…We do not know what is in the balance AND what the cost is too our loved ones, when we are ill prepared and distracted!!! And we should be ready to pray and intercede instantly, at a moments notice…

However, having done so I discovered that despite being able to pray with her and for her, I couldn’t properly settle into my own prayer routine and continue with the challenge. I already knew what the problem was …Forgiveness!!! Or rather un-forgiveness’. I  was still angry about the fiasco with my dog the previous day and I really didn’t want to forgive…(As I type I am still struggling with it.), because to my way of thinking it’s akin to forgiving the attempted murderer of my beloved dog and condoning the negligence that had occurred.

Yes! I do know that none of that is actually true and I am very aware that in order to move on I must find forgiveness in my heart. Yet, this battle continues raging in my thoughts and heart. I am in effect my own enemy and I know that I have to have the matter resolved by tonight in order to move on.

Matthew 6:15But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses.” AMP (Emphasis my own) 

Spiritual Lesson :

To be reluctant to forgive provides the enemy with plenty of leverage to hinder my prayers for loved ones. It interferes with my relationship with God and the worst part…He will not forgive me my trespasses…

Physical Lesson :

The practise of wearing the prayer shawl has become quite natural to me now; however to date I have done so in private only. (and on my blog :o)… My family are aware of it; but have never seen it…Perhaps it’s time to include them.


Father, Forgive me for my un-forgiveness. Help me to truly submit to Your Will in this matter and let it go. I pray that You will guide me into the secret places of prayer and teach me to pray as I ought to…

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!
*Hugs* till next time.


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