Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days

Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants


Last night as I got ready to pray and spend time with God, I spent a little more time in preparation.
On day one I had simply placed the scarf over my head, but on day two, I properly arranged the scarf, folded it and tied it up neatly, tucking in all the edges. This preparation had an interesting effect because it made me more aware of what I was doing. It became a deliberate act in preparation of entering into the presence of the living God, and just as we prepare to go for job interviews and make effort to be presentable, I felt the same sense of purpose.

(I am aware that Jesus broke the veil and that we can now enter boldly and approach God freely at any time, but my experience has made me wonder whether I have not perhaps become just a little too complacent about entering and addressing the Creator of all things.)

The phrase “Garbage in = Garbage out” featured a lot in my mind last night and as I read my bible, I became aware that what we listen to on a daily basis becomes the basis of what we speak about and how we interact with other people and with God.

The constant thread of “What are you hearing?” ran through my mind.

Am I hearing God speak?
Or am I hearing the giants with all of their demands speak?

When God speaks and I hear Him, I receive direction, assurance, confidence and hope of a future…even in midst of trouble…

Romans 5:4-5 “There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling short changed. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!” The Message (Emphasis my own)

When the world (Giants) speak, we become despondent, distracted, fearful and insecure about what will happen next. This world in general is falling apart, terrible crimes are being committed daily and we are constantly fed a diet of hate, racism, murder, pressure to perform, comply or fail, pay for endless services we neither asked for nor needed, and in general a sense of hopelessness that builds up pressure that doesn’t let up.

Spiritual Lesson :

Turn a deaf ear to the giants and “Hear” what God is saying.
He has the plan and strategy for each of us to overcome and defeat the giants we face.

Pay attention to what we are listening to on a daily basis –
Garbage in = Garbage out

Physical Lesson :

Since I spent time tying my head covering, I felt more comfortable wearing it while praying and reading my bible. I was still aware that I was wearing the head covering and I felt more feminine and modest.
Something I hadn’t really even considered before)


Father, help us to turn a deaf ear to the giants that threaten to overwhelm us daily with their constant demands for attention. Help us instead to hear Your plans, Your purposes and Your strategies to free us and assist us to be overcomers, in the midst of the storms we face.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen !!!

*Hugs* till next time.


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