Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

Day 15 found me numb to my circumstances; as they unfolded around me, with very little or no input on my behalf. My loved ones cradled me in their love and support and my benefactor made me welcome in my new (temporary) sanctuary.

During that evening when I settled down alone to read my bible and pray I was reminded of a lesson learned several years ago when a very special person, very close to me was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The lesson I learned was that pain, whatever form it comes in from illness, to emotional, physical pain etc., it is always the sharpest when you remain at the edges.  The edges can be likened to a sharp blade. The more we skirt around the edges, the more it cuts and hurts, however, when we brave it and wade right into the middle of the pain and embrace it, interact with it, face it, we encounter the most amazing compassion and love, right there, where we least expect to find it. Jesus finds us right there and carries us through it.

John 17:15 “My prayer is not that you take them out
of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” (NIV)

Don’t pray to escape trouble. Don’t pray to be comfortable in your emotions. Pray to do the will of God in every situation. Nothing else is worth praying for. Sam Shoemaker (1893 – 1963) Emphasis my own.

Spiritual Lesson :

There is good reason to be battle ready and strong in the Lord. Sometimes we can go about daily, shooting little arrow prayers up and thinking all is well with our spirits and lives, but when we become truly committed to pressing in to Gods will, and the real battle begins we find ourselves ill-equipped.
Physical Lesson:

Every time I wear my head covering I have the sense of my own regal royalty in Jesus. This night  during my devotion the words Royal Warrior came to mind and I began to understand that perhaps I could be a Royal Warrior in Gods Kingdom. Does this have anything to do with the head covering? I truly think it does. Since I have begun wearing it in obedience at the beginning of this challenge, my life has taken so many unexpected turns. My prayer life has also changed. I am starting to find that my prayers are becoming more purposeful, specific and that I am beginning to learn to strategize.


Holy Spirit, precious comforter and counsellor, how blessed are we to be able to rest in the knowledge that You are ever present with us and as we learn new spiritual things, we can trust that you are ever guiding us in the right direction. Help us to make our stands as Royal Warriors, humble and yet regal in the Kingdom of Gods Army.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.


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