Monday, 7 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience - 31 Days

Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

During the past few weeks I have been wrestling inwardly regarding the wearing of a head covering while praying and in general just in everyday life. I know that there has been a lot of debate about it, and my own personal surveys conducted among friends, the internet and acquaintances revealed many conflicting opinions regarding the subject, yet despite this the nagging conviction that I should be wearing a head covering has not gone away. On the contrary, the more I try to move beyond this question, the stronger the urge becomes to be obedient and consider the subject personally.  

The truth is I really have more “grown up” concerns at this moment regarding the financial giants I am facing pertaining to my mother’s care in the home for Alzheimer’s, meeting the constant demands for nappies, medication or whatever else comes to mind, not to mention the daily pressures of teenagers and everyday life in general. 

My heart is heavy and burdened and it takes serious effort to function, so there isn’t too much to lose at this point.

Yet, I sense or know that somehow these things are all interlinked somehow and that I am being called to enter my prayer room for thirty-one (31) days, cover my head as instructed in 1 Corinthians 2 – 16 and see what happens.

The first feeble attempt I have made to date at wearing a head covering was quite amusing really, (depending on your perspective of course). On Saturday afternoon, while I was “practising” or more accurately trying to see how I would look with a head covering my husband walked into the room unexpectedly. To his credit he didn’t react or even saying anything about finding his wife with a scarf  wrapped around her head for no apparent reason…but I felt weird…

You know that feeling when you are little and your mother catches you in her make up drawer…

So despite being in two minds about this and not really having solutions or answers, I have decided to take up the challenge and will chronicle my progress right here on my blog so that we can all learn something from this.

I am not attempting in any way to be legalistic about the subject of head covering or even remotely discuss whether it is necessary or not but I do believe that I, as a woman, and as a child of God am challenged to begin wearing a head covering while in prayer…

(For a comprehensive look at Wearing Head Coverings…please consult the various professional sites available online.

*Hugs* till next time.



Last night I set out to do as promised to do. I gathered by bible, prayer journal and scarf and proceeded to my corner to read my bible and pray. Initially, it was quite strange placing the scarf over my head; but once my attention was drawn to what I was reading, I forgot about being self-conscious about the scarf on my head and continued as normal.

Since this exercise is literally one of stepping out in faith and obedience, I utilized the scripture left in the comments section of my blog, as my starting point. The scripture was provided by Sundar A.S. for which I am grateful.

After all, 2 Timothy 3:16, teaches that “Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action),” 
AMP (Emphasis my own)

Luke 11:42 – 52, is a warning to the Pharisees regarding the setting of unnecessary rules and hypocrisy…Something I take seriously. I hardly want to start setting rules about head coverings or prayer, and I definitely don’t want to be a hypocrite…It’s a fair warning that I have noted and taken seriously…

Verse 52 particularly struck a chord with me…. 52 “You’re hopeless, you religion scholars! You took the key of knowledge, but instead of unlocking doors, you locked them. You won’t go in yourself, and won’t let anyone else in either.”

I choose to take the keys as given by God during the next thirty-one (31) days and unlock doors … I also choose not only to unlock the doors but to enter in and experience everything that He has in store for me…

Spiritual Lesson :

Don’t be a Hypocrite.
Utilize what I learn well and share.

Physical Lesson :

Every time I caught a glimpse of the scarf in my peripheral vision, I felt very feminine and covered. The initial feeling of self-consciousness changed to awareness of myself and my purpose…I intentionally found myself to be  in the moment, aware of what I was reading, thinking and doing.


Father, help us to press into your hidden things. Provide  fresh revelation so that we may grow and above all keep us in complete obedience to Your Will…
In Jesus Name we pray…Amen !!!

*Hugs* till next time.


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