Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

On day 14, I moved out of my home and despite all the conflicting emotion, I also encountered the Amazing Grace of God, through the hands of the people who assisted me to move my boxes and possessions, as well as provide me with accommodation and sanctuary at such short notice. I may not have been in Gods Will, but I certainly experienced His mercy and provision during this time.

All through the day I felt that “My Anchor Holds”… My emotions were raw and the storm was brewing around me, but I was steady. My resolve was strong and I was able to do what was necessary. I can liken this experience to having been caught up in a safety net. Every need, financial and otherwise was met by loved ones; by my employer and colleagues; as well as friends.

Can one woman be so blessed? Yes!! Whether my decision was right or wrong, my Father caught me up in his Grace and Mercy and provided.

Spiritual Lesson :

The battle we face daily is a very real spiritual war; but we have a Strong and Mighty Merciful God, Who is ready to catch us when we fail and fall and provide us the sanctuary and assurance we need, especially when we cannot do it on our own.

(Please note that I am not in any way claiming that it is Gods will that marriages break up or that I even did the right thing. The truth is I do not know what the right thing was and since I am still pressing in to find Gods will I honestly confess that I do not yet know what His Will is for my situation).
Physical Lesson:

After having moved all day I was exhausted by the time I was ready to pray, but I persevered none the less and found that the thought being Royalty (Princess) persisted. I found that I was correcting my posture and despite feeling quite emotional, I never the less realised my worth to my Father.


Precious Jesus, how wonderful to know that as we take up our crosses and follow You, that there is no emotion or pain that we face that you haven’t already experienced. Thank You for your Gift of Salvation and Grace towards us, even when we fail You. May we always respond in obedience to You no matter the cost.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.


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