Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

These days fell over a weekend, and as previously mentioned my weekends are filled with activities that have to be done and I have found it difficult to find the time to have a proper prayer routine over weekend. However, despite this I stuck with the challenge and continued, even though my time spent at prayer was shorter and very severely interrupted.

Despite what I had learnt on Day 10, this weekend turned out to be a make or break weekend and I was VERY ill – equipped and unprepared for the spiritual attack that followed.

Without sharing too many very personal details, I found myself in a situation that became unbearable, and for the sake of peace, I packed up my belongings to move out of my home.

I did not make this decision easily or lightly. Little over a year ago I had stepped into my marriage fully convinced that God had given me this gift. (I am still convinced that this is the case). I have always remembered this in my prayers and have thanked God every single day for this husband that he had given to me.

My most prized Gift ever … ripped away just like that …

I did not only leave my precious gift; but my horse and other animals that were just too large … all precious and special for me.

During this time, I confess that prayer was difficult …all I could ask for was the courage to do what was necessary…

Spiritual Lesson :

The battle we face daily is a very real spiritual war and there will be casualties, real losses, real pain and real sacrifices.

(Please note that I am not in any way claiming that it is Gods will that marriages break up or that I even did the right thing. The truth is I do not know what the right thing was and since I am still pressing in to find Gods will I honestly confess that I do not yet know what His Will is for my situation).

Physical Lesson:

Since I started wearing my head covering, I have started to experiment with different methods of tying the knots and tidying it up. While doing this in preparation of my prayer time, I have started to feel very regal and royal. Dressing up to spend time with my Father, the King.  As his princess I am royalty and the more I press in the more I think of 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a [special] people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (AMP)

How better to show off His marvellous light than in obedience to Him?

If this means wearing a head covering simply because he asks, then why not?


Father God, my God and my King, thank you that despite the storm You are unchanging and ever ready to save us and provide for us. Grant us the courage to face our challenges head on, with dignity and integrity, displaying your Kingship in all our circumstances and for Your ultimate Glory.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.


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