Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

Day 20 was the start of a new week. Having spent my weekend soaking up the word of God and praying in my newly developed strategy for my husband, family, employers and country, I felt quite confident in the future. I still didn’t know what the future held for me, but I felt spiritually secure enough not to fret about that which I had no control over.

That night I arrived home from work, opened my gate only to have my beloved benefactor’s large dog attach my smaller dog. How smart is the enemy? Very smart and very cruel. The enemy will use whatever means he can do bring destruction, heartbreak and even death in order to distract us or bring us fear.

1 Peter 5:8Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour.” (AMP) Emphasis my own

Thank fully, due to obedience and growing stronger in the Lord, I could remember that :

2 Timothy 1:7For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].” (AMP) Emphasis my own

We rushed my bellowed teddy to the Vet and found that his leg was broken in such a way that he had to have it amputated. Devastatingly horrible, yet I had prayed for everyone and everything all weekend EXCEPT for my dogs. It had never occurred to me, until now. The enemy had been listening and it had occurred to him, so he used one dog to attack another.
During the whole visit to the vet and afterwards I realised that I was remarkably strong and at peace. This could only be attributed to the Holy Spirit and the foundation we had laid together during the past 19 days of prayer.

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God [that peace which reassures the heart, that peace] which transcends all understanding, [that peace which] stands guard over your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus [is yours].
(AMP) Emphasis my own

Spiritual Lesson :

I learnt that the enemy plays dirty and that despite having gained ground in my prayer routine and strategy, I have a lot to learn. In neglecting to cover my dogs in prayer, I had inadvertently placed them at risk. My beloved Teddy did get hurt, but his injury will serve as a reminder that effective prayer warriors are imperative and I intend to become a woman of prayer at all times, in the spirit.

Revelation 5:8
And when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb (Christ), each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of fragrant incense, which are the prayers of the saints (God’s people).” (AMP)
Physical Lesson:

I may be homeless, husbandless, facing financial giants in vets bills and in the care of my mother in the home for Alzheimer’s, but as an obedient prayer warrior, daily strengthening myself in the Lord, I can counter strike and overcome all the giants in my life, by simply submitting to God (wearing my head covering as my symbol – personal preference) and resting in His protection and provision. My Father will block and permit things as He chooses. I need not fret about it.


Abba Father, How refreshing and reassuring it is to be able to rest in Your capable care knowing that no matter what giants come up against us, You are stronger and will restore to us that which the enemy steals from us. Thank You for Your mighty Grace and Mercy, that is available to each one of us.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!
*Hugs* till next time.

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants
Day 17 - 19 : TIMELESSNESS

These days fell over the weekend and unlike all the previous weekends, I found that all of a sudden I had all the time in the world for my devotions and prayers. I had time to read, soak up and reflect on what I have read and pray.

In the space of one week all of my responsibilities were stripped away. My three (3) bedroomed house, became one (1) room requiring minimal housework.

Less meant more time with God… literally!!!

I do not know what the future holds regarding my marriage; but I do know that I have prayed for my husband since we married and I will continue to do so indefinitely. (During this time, I have learned to prayer effective, purposeful and strategic things into his life …I intend to continue)

Nothing is impossible to God, and I will follow wherever he leads.

I am committed during this time of timelessness, to maturing and growing in the Lord as a Female Prayer Warrior, while remembering my Royal status.

Spiritual Lesson :

From a worldly perspective my life appears to be in disarray and a huge failure. After all, a break down in a marriage can hardly be construed as a good thing. I fully agree. However spiritually I am stronger than ever, and far more equipped to pray for my husband than I was just a week ago. I still have plenty to learn in terms of spiritual warfare; particularly since I understand the implications of being ill prepared; but I believe I can stand in the gap for my loved ones far more effectively.

Ephesians 1:18-19
And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints (God’s people), and [so that you will begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of His mighty strength” (AMP)
Physical Lesson:

The head covering has also reminded me that not only am I a female prayer warrior, with Royal status, but I am also a Daughter of the Most High God. As His daughter I have access to Him and I can confide in Him my deepest desires and the longings of my heart. As my Father He will give me those things that will be good for me and deny me those which will not be good for me. I can rest in the knowledge as He has my best will at heart.


Father, Thank You that we can be called Daughters & Sons of the Most High God. What an amazing privilege that we take for granted far too often. Open our eyes to see and understand what it means to be Prayer Warriors, Regal Royal Prince’s and Princess’s in the Kingdom of God, so that we can live our lives in the manners that are fitting to these great callings.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

Day 16, reinforced my perception that I have to press in and strengthen myself in the Lord; because without Him and His constant presence I would be truly vulnerable lost. Despite having loving family, colleagues and friends, this battle is my own and I would not only need to find strength and courage to press in with my prayers, but also to face the challenges in my daily life. With no husband to back me up, I would have to deal with the problems and setbacks as they happened to roll in to meet me.

During devotions I found myself paging through an old journal of mine, and found that on the 12/12/2010, I had written the following …

For the sake of maturing in the Lord in order to be a blessing to others, God will occasionally permit moments into our lives where we will stand alone in difficulty and true testing. He will even blind the eyes of those closest to us during those moments so that we can learn to minister to ourselves, and strengthen our spirits.”

I can’t remember how or why it was applicable all those years ago; but it was certainly applicable to my circumstances now and served to strengthen my resolve to press into whatever circumstances were to follow, but not to give. As I have mentioned previously. We have no idea what lies in the balance so we cannot be weak nor give up, when calamity or crises strikes. It is then when we truly need to press on.

Spiritual Lesson :

I have learned that in order to minister to the Lord and to others, I first have to be able to minister to myself in times of trouble.  I have to constantly consider my motives and emotions. 

Proverbs 24:12 says
“If you [claim ignorance and] say, “See, we did not know this,” Does He not consider it who weighs and examines the hearts and their motives? And does He not know it who guards your life and keeps your soul? And will He not repay [you and] every man according to his works?”

When the times of clash and battle occur we need to remember that God has an agenda and the devil has an agenda. We choose, consciously or unconsciously which agenda we will partner with.

Physical Lesson:

The head covering served, amongst other things to make me very aware of my gender, while in prayer. I had never really thought about it before. As a female, Royal Warrior in Gods Army, I bring with me a feminine perspective to the battle, (far different from a man’s perspective) which I believe is precisely the point. Just as ordinary armies in this world have their regiments and platoons that focus on specific areas in the army, for the good of the army as a whole, so too does my femininity and gender equip the Kingdom army with a unique perspective and skill. (I just have to understand it to apply it effectively). When I add this to the strategies in prayer, I’m certain I would mature in an effective prayer warrior.


Father, how exciting it is to begin to understand that the role You have assigned for us is so much more than the roles we have assigned for ourselves as women, wives and mothers. Thanks You for our feminine perspectives and thank You for guiding us into prayer ministry, on behalf of our loved ones, for Your Glory.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

Day 15 found me numb to my circumstances; as they unfolded around me, with very little or no input on my behalf. My loved ones cradled me in their love and support and my benefactor made me welcome in my new (temporary) sanctuary.

During that evening when I settled down alone to read my bible and pray I was reminded of a lesson learned several years ago when a very special person, very close to me was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The lesson I learned was that pain, whatever form it comes in from illness, to emotional, physical pain etc., it is always the sharpest when you remain at the edges.  The edges can be likened to a sharp blade. The more we skirt around the edges, the more it cuts and hurts, however, when we brave it and wade right into the middle of the pain and embrace it, interact with it, face it, we encounter the most amazing compassion and love, right there, where we least expect to find it. Jesus finds us right there and carries us through it.

John 17:15 “My prayer is not that you take them out
of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” (NIV)

Don’t pray to escape trouble. Don’t pray to be comfortable in your emotions. Pray to do the will of God in every situation. Nothing else is worth praying for. Sam Shoemaker (1893 – 1963) Emphasis my own.

Spiritual Lesson :

There is good reason to be battle ready and strong in the Lord. Sometimes we can go about daily, shooting little arrow prayers up and thinking all is well with our spirits and lives, but when we become truly committed to pressing in to Gods will, and the real battle begins we find ourselves ill-equipped.
Physical Lesson:

Every time I wear my head covering I have the sense of my own regal royalty in Jesus. This night  during my devotion the words Royal Warrior came to mind and I began to understand that perhaps I could be a Royal Warrior in Gods Kingdom. Does this have anything to do with the head covering? I truly think it does. Since I have begun wearing it in obedience at the beginning of this challenge, my life has taken so many unexpected turns. My prayer life has also changed. I am starting to find that my prayers are becoming more purposeful, specific and that I am beginning to learn to strategize.


Holy Spirit, precious comforter and counsellor, how blessed are we to be able to rest in the knowledge that You are ever present with us and as we learn new spiritual things, we can trust that you are ever guiding us in the right direction. Help us to make our stands as Royal Warriors, humble and yet regal in the Kingdom of Gods Army.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.


Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

On day 14, I moved out of my home and despite all the conflicting emotion, I also encountered the Amazing Grace of God, through the hands of the people who assisted me to move my boxes and possessions, as well as provide me with accommodation and sanctuary at such short notice. I may not have been in Gods Will, but I certainly experienced His mercy and provision during this time.

All through the day I felt that “My Anchor Holds”… My emotions were raw and the storm was brewing around me, but I was steady. My resolve was strong and I was able to do what was necessary. I can liken this experience to having been caught up in a safety net. Every need, financial and otherwise was met by loved ones; by my employer and colleagues; as well as friends.

Can one woman be so blessed? Yes!! Whether my decision was right or wrong, my Father caught me up in his Grace and Mercy and provided.

Spiritual Lesson :

The battle we face daily is a very real spiritual war; but we have a Strong and Mighty Merciful God, Who is ready to catch us when we fail and fall and provide us the sanctuary and assurance we need, especially when we cannot do it on our own.

(Please note that I am not in any way claiming that it is Gods will that marriages break up or that I even did the right thing. The truth is I do not know what the right thing was and since I am still pressing in to find Gods will I honestly confess that I do not yet know what His Will is for my situation).
Physical Lesson:

After having moved all day I was exhausted by the time I was ready to pray, but I persevered none the less and found that the thought being Royalty (Princess) persisted. I found that I was correcting my posture and despite feeling quite emotional, I never the less realised my worth to my Father.


Precious Jesus, how wonderful to know that as we take up our crosses and follow You, that there is no emotion or pain that we face that you haven’t already experienced. Thank You for your Gift of Salvation and Grace towards us, even when we fail You. May we always respond in obedience to You no matter the cost.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

These days fell over a weekend, and as previously mentioned my weekends are filled with activities that have to be done and I have found it difficult to find the time to have a proper prayer routine over weekend. However, despite this I stuck with the challenge and continued, even though my time spent at prayer was shorter and very severely interrupted.

Despite what I had learnt on Day 10, this weekend turned out to be a make or break weekend and I was VERY ill – equipped and unprepared for the spiritual attack that followed.

Without sharing too many very personal details, I found myself in a situation that became unbearable, and for the sake of peace, I packed up my belongings to move out of my home.

I did not make this decision easily or lightly. Little over a year ago I had stepped into my marriage fully convinced that God had given me this gift. (I am still convinced that this is the case). I have always remembered this in my prayers and have thanked God every single day for this husband that he had given to me.

My most prized Gift ever … ripped away just like that …

I did not only leave my precious gift; but my horse and other animals that were just too large … all precious and special for me.

During this time, I confess that prayer was difficult …all I could ask for was the courage to do what was necessary…

Spiritual Lesson :

The battle we face daily is a very real spiritual war and there will be casualties, real losses, real pain and real sacrifices.

(Please note that I am not in any way claiming that it is Gods will that marriages break up or that I even did the right thing. The truth is I do not know what the right thing was and since I am still pressing in to find Gods will I honestly confess that I do not yet know what His Will is for my situation).

Physical Lesson:

Since I started wearing my head covering, I have started to experiment with different methods of tying the knots and tidying it up. While doing this in preparation of my prayer time, I have started to feel very regal and royal. Dressing up to spend time with my Father, the King.  As his princess I am royalty and the more I press in the more I think of 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a consecrated nation, a [special] people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies [the wonderful deeds and virtues and perfections] of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (AMP)

How better to show off His marvellous light than in obedience to Him?

If this means wearing a head covering simply because he asks, then why not?


Father God, my God and my King, thank you that despite the storm You are unchanging and ever ready to save us and provide for us. Grant us the courage to face our challenges head on, with dignity and integrity, displaying your Kingship in all our circumstances and for Your ultimate Glory.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.


Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days
Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants

The challenge to pray with a head covering has never abated or faded and as the process continues I have discovered that the deeper I press in; so too does the discord and contention rage around me. Very personal attacks are occurring pertaining to random things that can’t be countered, foreseen or even addressed. I don’t take this lightly and am fully convinced that the enemy of my soul does not want me to succeed and continue. I have found that despite all these things, I am more determined to take up this challenge.

However, it is clear that I will have to be strong in the Lord in order to continue.

Pressing through to the Throne Room requires passing through the spiritual dimension (this is the dimension that the enemy inhabit, so it’s clear that in order to pass through safely, un-hindered and un-harassed, I not only have to be dressed appropriately (Spiritual Armour), I also have to be covered by the blood of Jesus.

The enemy of my soul is unseen; however, despite this the fiery darts are very accurate and can distract or even discourage us from pressing in. 

Ephesians 6:10-18
The Armor of God
In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [draw your strength from Him and be empowered through your union with Him] and in the power of His [boundless] might. 
Put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily-armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil. 
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. 
Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious]. 
So stand firm and hold your ground, having tightened the wide band of truth (personal integrity, moral courage) around your waist and having put on the breastplate of righteousness (an upright heart), and having strapped on your feet the gospel of peace in preparation [to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news]. 
Above all, lift up the [protective] shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.
With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people. (AMP) Emphasis my own

Spiritual Lesson :
I don’t know always know what lays in the balance, but I am aware that this is a very real, very dangerous battle, and the enemy is out to thwart and destroy anyone who is committed to pray and be obedient to the word of God. I therefore need to be strong in the Lord AT ALL TIMES.

Physical Lesson:

The practise of wearing the prayer shawl has become quite natural to me now; and regardless of public opinion regarding the irrelevance thereof, I am even more convinced that it is not only necessary; but imperative as the wearing of the head covering is an outward sign to the seen and unseen world that I am in complete and total submission and obedience to my God. There is no other place I would rather be than in complete submission and obedience to my Lord and King and when He instructs (in scripture) that I obey His commands, I intend to do so willingly, without contention.


Father God, Thank you so much for the provision in Your Word that serves to guide us in preparation for this very real battle that we are in. Help us to arm ourselves appropriately, battle ready and unafraid to face the onslaught of the enemy, not only for our sakes; but for the sake of our family and loved ones for whom we intercede.

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!

*Hugs* till next time.


Thursday, 17 September 2015

Modern Day Samaritan Woman

A Test in Obedience – 31 Days

Head Covering / Prayer Room / Facing Giants


Yesterday, Day 9, found me praying earlier than usual. An unexpected plea from my daughter, during the late afternoon,  to pray and intercede with her regarding her vehicle and finances had me grabbing for my prayer shawl earlier and kneeling down beside my bed. As mentioned in my previous post…We do not know what is in the balance AND what the cost is too our loved ones, when we are ill prepared and distracted!!! And we should be ready to pray and intercede instantly, at a moments notice…

However, having done so I discovered that despite being able to pray with her and for her, I couldn’t properly settle into my own prayer routine and continue with the challenge. I already knew what the problem was …Forgiveness!!! Or rather un-forgiveness’. I  was still angry about the fiasco with my dog the previous day and I really didn’t want to forgive…(As I type I am still struggling with it.), because to my way of thinking it’s akin to forgiving the attempted murderer of my beloved dog and condoning the negligence that had occurred.

Yes! I do know that none of that is actually true and I am very aware that in order to move on I must find forgiveness in my heart. Yet, this battle continues raging in my thoughts and heart. I am in effect my own enemy and I know that I have to have the matter resolved by tonight in order to move on.

Matthew 6:15But if you do not forgive others [nurturing your hurt and anger with the result that it interferes with your relationship with God], then your Father will not forgive your trespasses.” AMP (Emphasis my own) 

Spiritual Lesson :

To be reluctant to forgive provides the enemy with plenty of leverage to hinder my prayers for loved ones. It interferes with my relationship with God and the worst part…He will not forgive me my trespasses…

Physical Lesson :

The practise of wearing the prayer shawl has become quite natural to me now; however to date I have done so in private only. (and on my blog :o)… My family are aware of it; but have never seen it…Perhaps it’s time to include them.


Father, Forgive me for my un-forgiveness. Help me to truly submit to Your Will in this matter and let it go. I pray that You will guide me into the secret places of prayer and teach me to pray as I ought to…

In Jesus Name we pray…Amen!!!
*Hugs* till next time.
